Daily Links

Click on the titles below to enter your Zoom session:


 9:00 – 9:50 am, Mon. – Fri.

Rhythm Theory

Jazz Composition

Ear Training

Intermediate Theory

Advanced Theory


10:00 – 10:50 am, Mon. – Fri. 

Vocal Masterclass

Trumpet Masterclass

Saxophone Masterclass

Trombone Masterclass

Flute Masterclass

Guitar Masterclass

Piano Masterclass

Bass Masterclass

Drums Masterclass


2:00 – 3:30 pm, Mon. – Fri.  (vocalists only)

MONDAY ALL VOCALISTS: Singing the Standards

Singing the Standards WITH SHEILA

Singing the Standards WITH JAY

Singing the Standards WITH CAMILLE

FRIDAY ALL VOCALISTS: Singing the Standards


7:00 – 7:50 pm, Mon. – Thurs. 

Hot Topics


8:00 – 10:00 pm, Mon. – Thurs. 

Zoom Tunes (click here)


7:00 pm, Fri. 

Evening Concert